Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sziget festival 2007
V Maďarsku sa už tradične v auguste zišlo kopec mladých aj starých, metalistov, bluesákov, raperov, hip-hopákov atď. aby si týždeň potrápili ušné bubienky. Dá sa povedať, že počas festivalu celých 24 hodín 7 dní na ostrove - Sziget - v centre Budapešti nenájdete miesto, kde by nehrala nejaká kapela, alebo aspoň "rádio" (tým myslím brutálny sound systém s obrovským subbuferom. 8-)))) Okrem iného sme si zatančili na cigánsku nôtu, zaspievali so Sinead O'Connor a The Killers (videjko je nižšie).
Ruská kapela Leningrad publikum síce roztancovala, ale okrem iného aj rozdivočela. Naši východní bratia si neuvedomili, že 90 kg chlapa asi len tak hocikto na rukách neunesie. Takže podávanie si "tiel" nad hlavami nie vždy "dopadlo" najmäkšejšie... Mala som čo robiť, aby som sa uhýnala a neuhynula. Keď však začal jeden člen kapely (také dvestokilové holohlavé zlatozubé chlapča) drtiť jednu stoličku po druhej a rozbité kusy hádzať ako trofeje publiku, tak sme to radsěj na ich stage zabalili. Na videjku je aj letiaca nožička zo stoličky, hi hi.
Na fesťáku bolo strašne veľa sprievodných akcií. Trebárs sa dalo bungee jumpovať, nechať sa vystreliť, strašne sa o(b)žrať, zkuknúť travesti show (hlavná postava Fifi = nafukovací ružový pes), posedieť-pospať v ambiente stane, nájsť najsmradlavejší Toi-Toi záchod, postaviť si z plechoviek najväčšiu pyramídu, zúčastniť sa bozkávacieho Guinessovho rekordu, dať si šíšu, pobiť sa v bahne a ja neviem čo ešte.
Btw na festivale bolo asi pol milióna ľuďi!!!!! a prišiel aj štvormiliónty účastnik od začiatku Sziget festivalov....
Highlight celého festivalu bol aj tak koncert Faithless..... videjo dodám ...časom.....
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Koncert The Chemical Brothers v Prahe, 10.8.2007
Koncert bol úžasný, aj keď skončil skôr ako sme očakávali a ako by sme chceli. Možno sa trošku vyčerpali na Sziget festivale v Budapešti deň pred tým.... 8-(
Inak sa Chemický bratia parádne predvádzali, 3D show nemala chybu!!!!! Veď kuknite malé videjko.... keď budú nablízku, pôjdeme na nich zas !!!!! 8-)))
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Zmena je zivot
Feeeha!!!!! To som asi trosku prehnala s opalovanim?????
E E!! To som si len vyskusala, ako by som vyzerala byt som sa narodila v Karibiku, vo východnej ci zapadnej Asii, alebo dokonca, ako by ma boli byvali namalovali pani Botticeli a Modigliani, keby sa im dostanem pred platno...... a ta najsexy fotka to som ja par tisic rokov dozadu 8-)
Je to sranda, skuste si to s vlasnou fotkou. Tu je zazracny link, ktory vas zmeni... isto k lepsiemu 8-)
Hraniu zdar ! ! !
Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
BODIES Exhibition - highly recommended!
I've just got back from an excellent exhibition - BODIES - right now
held in Prague. And I can tell you it was worth the 300-czech-crown-
ticket. Although the moral aspect of the real human skinless body
exposed in freaking poses are discussed in every single press and the
origin of the bodies are questioned, i believe it is a right way how
to teach people with no medical education about US.
Visit recommended, mainly for smokers....
Learn more at the official web site:
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Uscita lato destro
I will start with the end, so it might look like it has never ended…. The flight back to Prague was the most noise one and the most crazy one. Plane was filled with Italian teenager (mostly girls) with no guardian. They were screaming during the take-off, yelling during the whole flight, and again screaming and clapping hands during landing. One gets the feeling as on rollercoaster (BUT on the rollercoaster you need to bear the noise and scream just for max. two minutes… not for two hours and something...). “Bravoooo!”, still sounds in my ears. After that I appreciate to be back home (even though I have to study a lot right now).
Things I’ve seen in Rome, nowhere else:
- many many much scooters 8-)
- so many Smart and Mini cars
- so many beggars – even fake beggars!!!
- too many historical monuments. I feel exhausted after running from one to another for 4 days and I also feel little depressed than we haven’t seen a half of it!
- people wildly trying to get inside the Metro, while people from inside are trying to get out, basically “no-line-respectful”
- such a concentration of "Gelaterias" (ice-cream shops), yummi!
Basically Rome is a wonderful city. In the small old streets (built with absolutely no logic) u can easily get lost… how romantic. Stilll, you can mind the dirt on the street and homeless people sleeping everywhere (I mean everywhere, even at the entrance to Pantheon!). Nevertheless, Romans are warm-hearted, nice people always with a smile on face. They are amazing cooks and even better rhetors. According to average luxury levels of the cars, I would also say they’re good businessmen (or are priests driving Alfa-Romeo’s and Porsche’s?).
As I mentioned, street are too short and narrow and cars trying to get into the centre are many – I guess that’s the reason why they use Smart cars and scooter with such a popularity.
See Rome and die. Is this phrase right? Have I seen everything now and it’s safe to die?
I say:“NO!”. I say:”NEXT…!”